Zaizai June 26 at 10:18pm
i wanna chase u.. n be ur bf.. haha
haha~jkjk larx U...
i no joke.. really.. tat time i wanna chase u. but u got bf ard..
y wan chase ME le?
ltr I wan go australia...
o.. y cant wor?? u wan go australia liao??
I knw U ply only ...
i really no play... i promise u
U treat ME gt feel?
i will try soon.. wait it.
thn lorx...U nt cc feel...U juz cc girl geh look
lol.. whr got?? say me till so sui..
gt larx...tat time oso like tis...
U really gt abit susi lorx...XD
tat time?? tat time u got bf.. i cant do any thing..
Dear June 27 at 3:38pm
tat time say my jimui==
aiyor~~~nw oso dun wan do anythg larx...
Zaizai June 27 at 3:41pm
wat wor.. but really ma.. ur ji mui.. lol..
now u no bf .. i wan chase u cant meh?
Dear June 27 at 3:42pm
==look nt leng bt heart leng mai tuk jor la...
I din say larx...
Zaizai June 27 at 3:43pm
heart leng is put in second d.. 1st is for look.. k?? dun say u not?
Dear June 27 at 3:45pm
I nt lorx...
my bf all oso nt leng zai 1 bt heart gud
Zaizai June 27 at 3:46pm
heart gud?? thn who break vf who d?? every time
Dear June 27 at 3:48pm
dun wan tell U...XD
Zaizai June 27 at 3:50pm
hei.. my x gf all oso no lenglui d.. i can let u see..
Dear June 27 at 3:50pm
Zaizai June 27 at 3:52pm
u go fb see..
flamenco june n michelle wong xuan wen
Dear June 27 at 3:55pm
jkjk only larx..
I'm nt a 8 pozai...
Zaizai June 27 at 3:57pm
o.. haha.. my x all ugly 1.. n heart oso no good.. play me 1.. all play me..
Dear June 27 at 4:00pm
nvm larx...find other
Zaizai June 27 at 4:02pm
ya.. so i find u.. hehe
Dear June 27 at 4:03pm
nt ME larx yor~~~
Zaizai June 27 at 4:03pm
hei.. wat i no good wor?? y u like tis 1.
Dear June 27 at 4:05pm
I din say U nt gud...juz I wan time
Zaizai June 27 at 4:07pm
ok.. gv u the enough of time.. wait u 3 ever..
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